Questions and Comments
I have done my best to share how my career of fundraising experience relates to Church Capital Campaigns. I have given you everything I can think of, but I am also sure there are some details I have missed. If you have a question about something I forgot to include, please share that question in the “Questions and Comments”section of this website.
As you finish reading this website you may also be saying to yourself, “I wish he had provided more on ..….” If this happens, please share this comment with me as I plan to provide updates in the future.
Please be patient with me as I have no idea how many responses I will get. If only 3 people read this website, I will be able to promptly answer questions in detail. If 3000 people read this website, and half of them have questions, my response time will be slower. I realize it may be comforting to communicate with someone who has done this process many times before. I’ll do my best to respond promptly, but please remember I am getting older every day.